Joe Biden is out of the presidential race
We all saw it coming but it does still place the spotlight on the scary face of reality.
Timing is everything.
Joe Biden has officially announced that he will no longer be continuing his campaign for reelection, as announced in a letter that was released on July 21st, 2024, today as of writing this.
Naturally, Joe Biden starts his letter (pictured above) to the American people by touting the same lies his press secretary repeats incessantly whenever someone asks her a question about pretty much anything. He erroneously claims creating a strong economy, brags about passing a gun safety law that really just gives the states carte blanche to abuse red flag laws to nullify the 2nd amendment on the state level if they choose to pass them, and other such meaningless "achievements" like placing the first black woman on the Supreme Court because the word "diversity" only has to do with appearance and lineage, not ideas and thought, in the mind of the deranged leftist.
"It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your President. And while it has been my intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term." says Biden.
This is yet another example of what I repeat all the time - pay attention to what people are saying and how they use their words. They will often tell you the truth even when they do not intend to do so. Maybe in this case it was even done derisively on some level. Let me explain.
Notice how Biden states that it is in the best interest of his party that he step aside before he mentions the country itself. If you remember, the day before the attempt on Trump's life, July 12th, the story broke that major Democrat donors threatened to renege on their pledged donations to the tune of $90 million if Biden remained the Democratic nominee for the presidency.
Now I could wax poetic indefinitely about the Democratic party putting its own interests before those of the country, but both major parties are also glaringly guilty of this. So I won't absolve the GOP's tactics, either. It's called the uniparty for a reason. But I digress.
Biden ended his letter with an attempt at pretending he wants the country to unify, but if that were the case he wouldn’t have been a textbook Orwellian dictator who constantly vilifies his opposition to the delight of his most ardent supporters whose lives have absolutely no meaning without an enemy image to hate.
So Joe Biden is taking his ball and going home. Good for him. A man of his age should be falling asleep in front of the television after a hearty dinner of Campbell’s Chunky soup and crackers, not holding the power to start a nuclear war. Though I don’t believe a criminal of his standing really deserves any such peace as that, but I’ll take what I can get.
We knew from his abysmal debate performance that this would be the case. It has been all posturing since then to present the illusion that he would remain the Democrat candidate for the presidency to allow the leftist cult to regroup and figure out how to retain power by any means necessary in order to allow their plans of supremacy to move forward in the future.
Many are seeing this turn of events as an admission that Biden is not a quality candidate and that the Democrats have already conceded to Trump’s seemingly inevitable victory in November. Many also still believe Elvis is still alive, so take the consensus of the masses with a heavy dose of salt. I refuse to believe that is the case.
It was always predestined that Biden would not serve a second term as president. It was just a matter of determining who would take his place, and when. And what sort of opposition they would face, given the fact that a very real attempt was made at outright eliminating the competition before the American people ever got to weigh in with their votes.
While we definitely do not know the whole story of what happened on July 13th when a shooter attempted to assassinate Donald Trump, I think he was intended to die that day and that powerful operators did what they could to try and make that happen. Enough holes were seemingly left unfilled, allowing what amounts to a stereotypical FBI patsy coming in with way more equipment than they could ever possibly afford without black budget funds to attempt to perpetrate a heinous crime of some sort to tip the balances of power. In this case it would have eliminated Donald Trump as a threat to those balances of power.
I’m going to attempt to take a shot at what all was intended to transpire for our election this November.
As I said before, Joe Biden was never going to see his reelection campaign through. Many of us in this space already recognized that fact long ago. What wasn’t written in the stars was the manner by which it would take place. And we likely will not know the Democrats’ true game plan until they finally have to show their hand at the Democratic national convention being held from Monday, Aug. 19 through Thursday, Aug 22.
I guess Killary has a month to make her case. I mean, Hillary Clinton.
I personally don’t see how they can upend Kamala Harris amicably. With Joe Biden stepping aside, she becomes the leader of the Democratic party by default. Would the DNC really ask her to sunset her entire political career to suit their ambitions? I think we all know the answer. Bernie Sanders could tell you, too. That is, if he weren’t some kind of masochist fetishist for humiliation. The only thing he’s ever missing during appearances is a gimp suit to put his nature out into the ether more clearly. Once again, I digress.
There are many others who will be heatedly vying for the throne. California Governor Gavin Newsom has been touring like he himself is a nominee for the Presidency for over a year at this point. Gretchen Whitmer has also upped her presence on the national stage with lame videos or something. I don’t know, I haven’t paid much attention to her. She looks like a demon in a skinsuit so I try not to look at her if I can possibly help myself. There are many others, though one idea in particular has me intrigued.
Aaron Sorkin, the creator of the tv show “The West Wing” that ran from 1999 to 2006, has floated the idea in an essay written for the New York Times that the Democrats need to try and meet Republicans in the middle by nominating the King RINO(Republican in name only) himself — Mitt Romney. His idea is that the Democrats need to stop trying to secure power for themselves until Donald Trump is out of the picture.
”Nominating Mr. Romney would be putting our money where our mouth is: a clear and powerful demonstration that this election isn’t about what our elections are usually about it, but about stopping a deranged man from taking power,” writes Sorkin. And while people like Sorkin will bloviate endlessly about why their reasoning is correct with stale buzzwords and easily debunked arguments that they adhere to because they are cultists, the real story behind it all is painfully simple: they simply do not want to lose.
Yes, Democrats want to beat Trump so badly that they not only seemed to have at least had a hand in an attempt on his life if the personnel used for the task were any example, but they are willing to nominate a Republican as their candidate if it means they can simply say they won again. I won’t get too far in the weeds about why I think Romney has always been a Democrat, but let’s just say he agrees with them far more than he opposes them.
It is the team sports psychology all over again with the leftists. They’re still traumatized over 2016 and they don’t want to be caught sobbing on camera like petulant children who didn’t get their way for a second time.
I wish I could say for certain what the gameplan is. I know what is fair, and that is simply allowing Kamala Harris to choose a running mate and to see the campaign through, seeing as she has worked on more than Joe Biden did. And don’t take me for a fan, I think she’s a buffoon at this present stage, but I’m all for being pleasantly surprised.
I’m not holding my breath, however.
I’m just saying that it doesn’t make sense to destroy not only Kamala’s career, but the career of whoever has to attempt to come in and pick up the pieces of a seemingly hopeless presidential bid and burn the bridge for themselves forever as well.
If Kamala goes along with being passed over, I’ll know that the left is truly a cult and that they’re operating solely for the sake of achieving absolute dominion over the United States of America.
So I think it is in our best interest to fight against the left ever again coming close to the level of power they currently enjoy.