The Border crisis proves that the slave trade is alive and well in the U.S.
Given Kamala Harris' history with utilizing slavery as California's Attorney General, it's not surprising she's in charge of it at the border
Maybe that subtitle is slightly obtuse. Nah, it’s really not.
Kamala Harris, while serving as Attorney General of California, intentionally obstructed efforts to reduce California's prison population with the blessing and permission of then-Governor Jerry Brown. A federal order was given to ease overcrowding by releasing nonviolent offenders.
The directive to do so was handed down from the Supreme Court, based on startling data showing that California's prisons were so overcrowded that the conditions for prisons verged into cruel and unusual punishment territory. Neither Brown nor Harris cared. They even claimed that the Supreme Court, the highest court in the land, had no jurisdiction in California. I didn't know sleeping your way to the top made you above the law, Kamala.
So severe was Harris' disregard for the authority of federal judges to enforce their legal orders, that federal judges actually considered holding the state in contempt of court. Harris' attorneys serving argued unironically that nonviolent offenders needed to be kept in prison because California couldn't do without the cheap labor they provided. See where I'm going with this, now?
It's strangely fitting, then, that now as Vice President, Harris is in charge of getting the border crisis under control. Which, from the looks of things, she has no intention of doing, just like she had no intention of reducing the prison population at the behest of the Supreme Court because of the utility cheap prison labor provided.
Texas Senator Ted Cruz spoke recently about the bracelets migrants have begun wearing during their journey into the United States, explaining what they mean. As he explains, each one, colored differently, denotes how much money each migrant owes the cartels in exchange for their safe passage to the United States. Only by paying the debt they owe do they free themselves from the grip of said cartels. This gives me a chance to remind you all of a little-known word nowadays -- manumission.
Manumission, is the act of freeing enslaved people by their enslavers.
For those wondering what the border crisis has to do with slavery, I will tell you. When you look into the inner workings of slavery in the United States as it operated before emancipation, you find that there was more than one way to free a slave.
Freeing slaves, or manumission, was a practice dating back to the 17th century here in the United States, with slaves managing to arrange a set price for their own freedom with their slaveholders. This, in turn, allowed a slave to "purchase themselves" and thus, achieving freedom. Enter the Kamala Harris of those days - Virginia. In 1692, Virginia established a law that, to manumit, or release, a slave to their freedom, a person must pay the requisite cost for their safe transport out of the colony.
Apparently the Kamalas back then didn't take to this practice, as we find in 1723 that they felt the need to pass another law stating that slaves may not "be set free upon any pretence whatsoever, except for some meritorious services to be adjudged and allowed by the governor and council". Sounds a lot like a law Kamala Harris would've loved, as it reminds me a lot of the red tape she threw down to prevent freedom for nonviolent prisoners being used as slaves.
It wasn't until 1782 that Virginia repealed that law and freed slaves who fought for the colonies during the American Revolution.
I find it interesting to dig into history and find things that resemble crises we are seeing today, and my brief deluge back into the history of slavery in the United States showed me that the border crisis is a crisis of slavery, with the freedom of migrants being predicated on whether they manage to cough up the cash for freedom or not.
Let’s at least be grateful that migrants aren’t being branded like the slaves of old ( not only to denote ownership, but to denote if they’ve attempted to escape their owners before ) but they’re still being tracked by these bracelets they’re forced to wear by the drug cartels. These bracelets identify migrants that paid them for passage across the border, how many times they have tried to cross, and who is eligible to cross again if they’ve been sent back. Just like the old days, in its own way. Nothing good about them, though.
I can't help but feel that we have to saddle part of the blame for all this on Biden and Harris. Their rhetoric encouraged people to come to the United States. Their words emboldened human traffickers of what I’m going to call modern day slaves into the country with their open borders policies they're now unable to backtrack with any real action — save for a feeble attempt to build parts of the border wall they vehemently decried during their campaign, but now see as a good idea all of a sudden. Much to the dismay of those who voted for them based on their promises of taking care of the border crisis in a more "humane" way than Trump had before them.
It's 2022, kids are still in cages, lives are still being lost, and slaves are still being trafficked to America. And there's no guarantee their troubles are over once they've paid for their freedom from being massacred by the cartels that trafficked them here in the first place. It wouldn’t be the first time that’s happened, either.
In the event the migrants get deported, they might have to do the ordeal all over again, condemning themselves to another debt under pain of death, if the drug cartels let them attempt it again at all.
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