Turning Point USA issues cease and desist to ABC after defamatory comments from hosts of "The View"
#SueTheView trends on Twitter after the cast of 'The View' slanders Turning Point USA
The View's anthropomorphized bundles of bad takes have once again gotten themselves into hot water as they reported on a Turning Point USA event. For context, Turning Point USA is a nonprofit organization that advocates for conservative values on high school, college, and university campuses.
The quick rundown on this is the fact that they couldn't wait to report on supposed neo-nazi protesters who picketed outside of the event. The View's harpy hosts were practically gushing. As is standard practice, the institutional power of the left is being flexed by casting a wide net to brand anyone in attendance at the TPUSA Summit a 'nazi' because of what stinks of a PsyOp. Here's what Google popped up for news coverage of Turning Point USA.
For those that remember the trucker convoy protests in Canada, the same exact thing was done then. Someone sent in agent provocateurs to hold up nazi symbolism and confederate flags to imply that the truckers were somehow a racist far-right movement instead of just working class people trying to fight for their rights. The same rhetoric is coming into play once again.
Anyway, let's address the comments from the cast of 'The View' in more detail.
What amused me initially was the fact that Whoopi Goldberg, when referring to Donald Trump, just kept calling him " You-know-who" like he's fucking Voldemort or something. She must think it's like Bloody Mary or the Candyman - if she says his name too many times Donald Trump will make it back to the Whitehouse.
Joy Behar then manages to make the most astounding leaps of logic by saying that Ron DeSantis not vocally denouncing the spurious neo-nazis outside the summit was akin to him making a comment like "Very Fine People on both sides". I'm paraphrasing on her behalf because she of course butchered the quote. The leftist attack dogs are already playing the game for 2024, and they're playing for keeps. It's going to be a whirlwind of smears, clearly. I don't think it'll go how they think, though. Sensible people are dead tired of the typical lefty rhetorical plays.
Testament to how textbook "The View" is playing this one, Ana Navarro is then deployed to suggest that each person in attendance of the TPUSA Summit has to speak up and denounce these people, utilizing the 'silence is violence' tactic that was especially prevalent during the Summer of Love protests of 2020. Either speak out or you're also a nazi. I'm sure they would say that it's not enough to not be a nazi, you have to be anti-nazi. I think that's the play they're looking for, here.
Joy Behar then swoops in to add that, if Republicans don't make fools of themselves speaking out against PsyOp plants, then they're just as complicit to nazism as Germans who didn't speak out against the Nazi party during World War 2. She then naturally makes another beautifully stupid leap of logic by bringing concentration camp imagery into the mix, mashing that holocaust button to make people feel guilty for having any sort of conservative values once again. In her mind, a vote for DeSantis or Trump is probably a vote for the return of ethnic cleansing. It's literally bordering on delusion, at this point. Keep ignoring the polls that say your mind control over people of color is being broken, democrats. Let me know how that works out for you.
Sara Haines is the most bearable among them, but that isn't saying much. She jumped in to say that Turning Point USA is a bad organization for catering to young conservatives, and that they should stop pushing the values that the very organization was built upon. Basically, it's another case of condemning the right for being the right, with no evidence that they're evil other than baseless accusations. This smacks of the left wanting to maintain their stranglehold on campuses everywhere, which play host to violent and hateful protests from the radical left whenever conservatives dare to turn up for a speaking engagement.
She then goes on to accuse the right of being disconnected from reality on the level of your average radicalized Twitter user. This is her way of painting Turning Point USA as an echo chamber of hate speech. Really grasping for smears at this point to avoid addressing the sobering reality of the faltering left-wing establishment. I believe these are the death throes of the left's institutional dominance. Cracks are beginning to show everywhere, in the media, in companies, everywhere. Their last gambit is whether ESG will be taken seriously enough by everyone to weaponize companies against the right again, but that's a topic for another article.
Whoopi comes back in with a plea for people to distance themselves from Turning Point USA based on the misgivings of a few overpaid women on daytime TV. Excuse me, birthing persons. Color me relieved that Whoopi failed to ever breed. Hard to have a baby when your sex life consisted of pegging Ted Dansen for a few decades. Anyway, I digress.
The segment ended with Sara Haines being forced to read a legal note stating that Turning Point USA has denounced the 'neo-nazis', but Whoopi has to co-sign it by implying that the neo-nazis were welcomed into the summit, and that Turning Point USA did so willingly. Whoopi later tried to walk it back, saying she spoke 'metaphorically'.
This must be the straw that broke the camel's back, since Turning Point USA has since sent a cease and desist notice to ABC for the comments made by the hosts of The View. In part, the letter read, "The false statements of fact intentionally made during The View’s July 25th segment were unquestionably harmful to TPUSA’s reputation and brought the organization and its student affiliates into disrepute with the public, potential donors, and current and future business partners, posing a significant financial loss to the organization."
Unquestionably, the culture war seems to be getting hotter by the day. This doesn't go far enough for me, though. Turning Point USA needs to insist on public apologies from The View's hosts, and lawsuits need to be filed, because if history is any example, it's that The View's hosts - particularly Caryn Elaine Johnson, don't learn from their mistakes.
People are tired of leftists pontificating as if they have any room to talk, and they're demanding action. Just take a look at the #SueTheView trend on Twitter. Things are getting interesting.